October 05, 2022

SFDS Weekly Update #5- 10/6/22

Dear Academy Families,

It is amazing how quickly the school year is progressing.  Before we know it, it will be Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, please save the date for Tuesday 12/20, and Wednesday 12/21 for our annual Christmas Show.

Catholics, in our theology and personal devotions, put a great deal of emphasis on the role and importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Very often, our Christian brothers and sisters who belong to other communities do not understand--or strongly disagree with-- this devotion. As Catholics, however, we believe that Mary is completely unique in the story of salvation. She was chosen by God to be the Mother of the Savior and because of this; we honor Her and ask for Her prayers through devotions like the Holy Rosary. 

Bishop Brennan has again asked that we join with other dioceses throughout the country by hosting a Rosary Rally.  Our school-wide Rosary Rally will be on Tuesday, October 18th at 1pm.  Students in grades one through eight will be participating in this very special service. Students are asked to bring their rosary beads to school the day of the Rosary Rally. 

Next week we kick off our Terranova testing for grades 3-8. Students must be prepared with sharpened pencils each day.  Testing will run for approximately 90 minutes a day from Wednesday, October 13th until Tuesday, October 19th. This assessment series is administered to all students attending Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese. The Terra Nova is designed to measure concepts, processes, and objectives taught throughout the nation.  Terra Nova results are used to: analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a student’s achievement in each content area; plan for further instruction; plan for curriculum development; and to report progress to parents. Students are encouraged to be well-rested and eat a good breakfast before the test.  While students should not be overly anxious or nervous about this exam, it is important to keep in mind that these scores (Grades 6-8) are sent to the high schools during the application process.

Please take a look at this week’s blast as there is a lot of important information. 

Winter Uniform: October 17th is our first day of the winter uniform.  Students are expected to be in complete dress uniform.  The only sweatshirt that will be permitted to be worn in school is the approved St. Francis de Sales ¼ zip or the navy SFDS sweater or sweater vest.  Gym crewneck sweatshirts are only permitted on gym days. There are no hooded sweatshirts permitted to be worn in school. If you would like to be a part of the second order of ¼ zip, please do so by October 11th by using the following form. 

New Website: Please take a moment this weekend to explore our brand-new website. We hope that as families get used to the new format it will make getting information even easier on both your mobile device and at home on a computer or tablet. We anticipate that our class pages will all be up and running by Tuesday, October 11th. 

Franny Fun Run Sponsorship/Pledge: The Academy Family Association is proud to announce sponsorship opportunities for the third annual 2022 Franny Fun Run/Walk scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.  The run/walk will take place on Rockaway Beach Boulevard from Beach 129th to Beach 139th Street and back.  

This event is the first major Academy fundraising event of the 2022/2023 Academic Year.  All proceeds from event sponsorships will go towards the “Cool the School” project so that we can continue to install air conditioning units in the remaining classrooms. 

We ask you to join us in supporting our 3rd Annual Franny Fun Run/Walk Fundraiser to help us achieve our goal of school-wide air conditioning (We are now more than ½ way there!) We hope you can help, volunteer, and enjoy this wonderful school event!  Our challenge of $60,000 in donations is attainable if everyone can do their part. All students who meet their $60 goal by Thursday 10/27 will be able to participate and receive a T-Shirt to wear during the Run/Walk on 10/29 and will receive a Dress Down ticket to be used during the months of November or December.

  • Step 1 - on Monday, October 3rd our families received an email providing a link to your family’s web-based donation page. This year we will be doing family-based pages which is a change to the past when we did individual student pages. This will hopefully make it easier for families to share their pages on social media.  

  • Step 2 - Share your donation page via Facebook, Twitter, and Social Media. Also, use the email and text link on the invite and reach out to as many family and St. Francis De Sales Catholic Academy friends requesting their support.   Donations are made via a secure credit card site. We will continue to accept cash or checks, and send them to school in an envelope, Attn: Franny Fun Run.  Please include the family's name along with the donor’s name and if available email.

  • Step 3 - check-in often and follow SFDS and your child’s progress as we strive to reach and surpass our goal of $60,000!

  • Reach out again as a reminder to family and friends

Upcoming ½ Day: Friday 10/7 will be a half day with 12-noon dismissal for all students due to our afternoon faculty meeting. Another reminder that school is also closed on Monday 10/10 for Columbus Day. 

AFA Vice President: We are happy to announce that Mrs. Meghan Anderson has volunteered to be the Academy Family Association Vice President. We are most grateful for her stepping up to the position. Since Mrs. Anderson was the only candidate who volunteered there will not be a need for an election and her term will begin immediately. For more information about the Academy Family Association please visit their section on our website by clicking here. 

Socktober: On Friday, 10/14 don't forget to bring in $1 and wear CRAZY socks as we celebrate the last day of summer uniform. The NJHS will be sending the money to a Catholic school in the Diocese of Venice in Florida to provide both prayers and financial support to them during the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. We are also asking families to send between $3-5 to the office marked "Hurricane Ian Relief" so we can provide help to a school in need. THANK YOU!

Yearbook Order Form: If you would like to order a school yearbook, (delivery in June) please fill out the following form. After you submit your order you will be charged on your FACTS account during the month of November. Payment is expected within 20 days of posting.

The completed form(s) is due by Tuesday, November 1st. We have to send in our yearly order soon so there will be no orders accepted after this date.

The yearbook is a nice way to remember the school year since each class has an individual page.

Enrichment Programs Starting: Just a reminder that many of our enrichment programs will begin over the next week.  Paul Effman Band on October 12th,  Crayola World of Design on October 14th, Abrakoddle Art on October 17th, and Mad Science on October 19th. If you have any questions, please send an email to Mrs. Endall at [email protected].

Upcoming Confirmation Practices: For those students receiving the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Francis on 10/20 there are mandatory practices later this month. For those students receiving at the 1 pm mass their Confirmation practice is on Monday 10/17 at 6:30pm. For those students receiving at the 4pm mass their Confirmation practice is on Tuesday 10/18 at 6:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Greene. 

Birthday Reminders: There are a variety of ways in which we celebrate birthdays at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy. Celebrations are at the discretion of the teacher but may include handmade cards, storytelling, the sharing of a book, etc. Please communicate with the homeroom teacher beforehand. Families/guardians may drop off party goods (cookies, cupcakes, small plates, napkins, etc.) with Security at the beginning of the school day. Diocesan policy is that all food items shared be store-bought. The reason for this rule is strictly to serve as a safety precaution, allowing the school to know the ingredients of any item. We ask that no toys, lollipops, goody bags, frozen treats, or drinks be brought into school.

VIRTUS Training: St. Francis de Sales will be hosting another VIRTUS training session onsite on Monday 10/24 at 7 pm. This session will take place in the Small Hall. You can sign up for The 10/24 session or any session in the Diocese of Brooklyn by clicking here. 

Fundraising Corner

Chicken Finger Days: We are happy to be partnering with Callie's to bring back our monthly chicken finger days. These will take place at the end of the month on a Tuesday for grades 1-4 and on a Wednesday for Grades 5-8, starting in October. There will be 8 chicken finger days from October-May. Each student will receive chicken tenders and fries for $10 each. ($80 total for 8 chicken finger days.) 

 NOTE:  Please fill out a SEPARATE order form (click the link below) for each child.


Football Frenzy: Football Frenzy is a fundraiser sponsored by St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy. All proceeds directly support the activities of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy. The fundraiser is based on the 2022-2023 NFL football season with a donation of $20 per ticket. Each ticket includes a different set of three NFL teams each week of the regular season, with a chance of winning cash prizes each week. 

To order tickets for this raffle please click the link below




Confirmation:  On Thursday, October 20th 2022, many members of St. Francis de Sales 8th Grade will be blessed by the Holy Spirit.  Due to the ceremony on 10/20 being at 1pm, the 8th Grade class is off on Thursday 10/20. The rest of the school has an early dismissal at 12pm.

Pink Dress Down Date: We invite students to dress in pink on Friday 10/21 to show support to those in our SFDSCA Community who are battling breast cancer.

Fall Book Fair: Did you know? Reading just 20 minutes a day exposes your child to about 1.8 million words per year. Reading helps students develop a stronger vocabulary, and in addition, students who read for pleasure average higher grades in English, mathematics, science, and history! Encourage your child to read books for fun by attending our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. Allow your child to choose the books they want to read! It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Mark your calendar! Book Fair dates: Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. 

AFA Meeting: The Academy Family Association Executive Board is having its first general meeting on Tuesday 11/8 at 7pm in the gym. More information to follow in the coming weeks. 

Have a great 3 day weekend.